James G. Kyser III MGySgt, USMC Network News NCOIC, Saigon (69) / NCOIC, Tuy Hoa (69-70)
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More photos of Detachment 6,Tuy Hao are at--
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Calvin M. "Cal" LaMartiniere TSgt, USAF News Director, Saigon 1966-67 / Det 6, Tuy Hao 1968 / Program Director, Saigon 1968
One of the more important facilities at Tuy Hoa is in the foreground. Taken in September 1971 by John Thomas, ENT2, US Navy.
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Taken in September 1971 by John Thomas, ENT2, USA.
AFVN Detachment 6, Tuy Hoa
AM 50,000 watts 1390 KHz
TV 40,000 watts Channel 13
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