Much of this section is based upon an original list

prepared by Paul Kasper and/or Bob Morecook.

OIC, AFVN Saigon Main Station

(The OIC was official listed as "Radio OIC" until MACV upgraded the slot to an O-5, field grade, position im June 1966.)

Kirtley, Don  1st Lt, USAF  (Nov 62)

Burgrabe, Donald  Cpt, USAF  Temp OIC  (62-63)

Roberts, ??  Capt, USAF  (Spring 63)

Robertson, ?? Capt, USAF  (Late Spring, 63)

Cortez, Robert  CAPT, USN  (63)
[Listed on the Roster as a CAPT but it is doubtful that he was an 0-6 when at AFVN.]

Carr, John  CPT, USA  (Dec 63-Dec 64)

Dorrence, Sturges III  1LT, USA  (Jun 64-Jun65)

Canty, John  Capt, USAF  (Dec 64-Dec 65)

McKee, Al  1ST, USA  (Jun 65-Jun 66)

Ballou, Deforest III  LTC, USA  (Jun 66-Oct 67)

Jones, Arthur  LTC, USA  (67-68)

Nash, Razea (Ray)  LTC, USA  (68-69)

Adams, James  LTC, USA [Signal Corps] (69-70)

Price, Frank  LTC, USA [Armor]  (70-71)

Souville, Lawrence  LTC, USA [Signal Corps]  (71-72)

Caspit, Felix T.  LTC, USA [Signal]  (72)

Hutchinson, Harold  LTC, USA  (72-73)

Deputy OIC, AFVN Saigon Main Station

Pauli, John T. "Jack"  1LT, USA  Temporary Ass't OIC  (62-63)

Cleveland, Jerome LCDR, USN  (66-67)

Schaffer, Gordon R.  Maj, USAF  (67-68)

Ragen, Art  Col, USAF  (Jun68)

Wentz, James (Gene)  LCDR, USN (68-69)

Dove, Edgar C.  Maj, USAF  (70-71)

Lamonica, Hal  Maj, USAF  (71-72)

Other OIC's, Saigon Main Station

Bozarth, Bill  1LT, USA [Signal Corps]  Network TV  (68-69)

Bernstein, Bennett,  MAJ, USA [Signal Corps]  Network News  (68-69)

Duerre, Chester W.  CPT, USA [Signal Corps]  Engineering  (67)

Moody, Randall  CPT, USA [Signal Corps]  (68-69)

Polick, Melvin  Capt, USAF  Network News  (Operations?)  (69)

Pitts, Mike  Capt, USMC  Network News  (70)

Williams, Rowdy  Cpt  Network News  

Wentz, James (Gene)  LCDR, USN  Network Radio (69)

Adams, Chuck  CPT, USA  (70-71)

Jackson, Michael  Cpt  (71)

McKinney, Eugene R.  1LT  (72)

NCOIC's, Saigon Main Station

Rice, ? MSG, USA   NCOIC  (64-65)

Nelson, Robert J.  SFC, USA  NCOIC  (65 & 72)

Sutphin, William  MGySgt, USMC  Network NCOIC  (66-68)

Carney, (Art)  MSgt  Engineering NCOIC (67-68)

Matheson, Wayne (Matt)  MSgt, USMC  Network News NCOIC  (68-69)

Kyser, James G. III  MGySgt, USMC  Network News NCOIC  (69)

Upton, Phil  CPO, USN  Network News NCOIC  (71)

Harper, Emanuel P.  MSG, USA  Network News NCOIC  (72-73)

Detachment OICs and NCOICs

Detachment 1 -  Qui Nhon
September 1966 - February 1972

Kleine, James A. "Jim"  1LT, USA  OIC  (67-68)

Papworth, Phil  1Lt, USA  OIC  (69)

Rost, Steve  MSgt  NCOIC  (69)

Peters, Don  1LT, USA [Signal Corps]  OIC  (Jul-Dec70)

Ward, Mike  SFC, USA  NCOIC  (69-70)

Lyon, Garry  SFC, USA  NCOIC (70-71)

Barclay, Andrew   MSG, USA  NCOIC   (72)

Detachment  2 - Da Nang
October 1966 - February 1972

Leach, Donald  Capt, USMC  OIC  (66-67)

Shaner, Paul  MSgt, USMC  NCOIC  (66-67)

Johnson, R. W.  Capt, USMC  OIC  (68)

Leonski, Joseph  Capt, USMC  OIC  (68-69)

Pitts, Michael  Capt, USMC  OIC  (Aug69-Jan70)

Adams, Chuck   CPT, USA  OIC  (70)

Noyes, Al  CPT, USA  OIC  (70-71)

Detachment 3 - Pleiku
February 1967 - February 1972

Gory, Tom  CPT, USA  OIC  (67)

Miller, West  GySgt, USMC  NCOIC  (67)

Morrison, Ed  1LT, USA  Pleiku  (68)

Johnson, Elliot L.  Capt, USAF  OIC  (69)

Cutlip, Homer  S. (Hal)  1stLt, USMC  OIC  (68-69)

Pitts, Michale  Capt, USMC  OIC  (Jan70-Apr70)

Wahl, Bruce A.  1LT, USA [Infantry]  OIC  (Apr-Dec70)

Howard, John  1LT, USA (Signal Corps)  OIC (Mar71-Feb72)

McNeese, Chester A. P.  MSG, USA  NCOIC  (69)

Brinson, Billy  SFC, USA  NCOIC  (70)

Gideon, William  J01/JOC, USN  Interim NCOIC  (70)

Cheeley, John T.  SFC, USA  NCOIC  (69-70)?

Grabowski, Edward  1LT, USA [Signal Corps]  OIC  (??)

Detachment 4 - Nha Trang / Hon Tre
March 1967 - April 1972

Stein, Edward  MSgt, USMC  NCOIC  (66)

Bozarth, Bill  1LT, USA  OIC  (68-69)

Akin, James L, MSG, USA  NCOIC  (68-69)

Suits, Charles (Chuck)  Cpt  OIC  (69)

Farrell, James M. 1LT, USA  OIC  (May-Sep69)

Chatelle, Louis  Cpt, USMC  OIC  (69-70)

Sanders, Robert B.  CPT, USA  OIC  (69-70)

Warde, George  MSG, USA  NCOC  (69-70)

  Ward, Mike  SFC, USA  Hon Tre   (70-71)

Detachment 5 - Hue
May 1967 - January 1968

Novak, John  1stLt, USMC  OIC  (66-67)

DiBernardo, James V.  1st Lt, USMC  (67-68)

Detachment 5 - Quang Tri
October 1968 - February 1972

Wilson, Douglas  1Lt  OIC  (68-69)

Berlin, Peter  1LT  OIC  (69)

Leonski, Joseph  Capt, USMC  OIC  (69)

Chatelle, Louis  Capt, USMC  OIC (69-70)

Wiltsie, Steve  1LT, USA  OIC  (Nov70-Apr71)

Detachment 6 - Tuy Hoa
May 1967 - June 1971

Frischmann, Donald  Capt, USAF  OIC  (69)

Kyser, James G. III  MGySgt, USMC   NCOIC  (69-70)

Detachment 7 - Chu Lai
March 1969 - December 1970

Almeida, Francis  MSgt, USMC  NCOIC  (68-69)

VanDyke, Paul  MSG, USA  NCOIC  (70-71)
(Closed the Detachment -- the first AFVN detachment to be closed.)

KLIK (1st Infantry Division)
(KLIK was affilated with AFVN)

The OIC was always the Brigade Commander where KLIK was located.
Known commanders are:

Blazey, Frank E.  COL, USA  (Jun-Dec67)

Acuff, Earl C.  COL, USA  (Jan-Jun68)

NOTE: There was a regulation or custom that officers could
not go on the air, but there often was no choice.  The nom d'air, Don
Edwards, passed down to several other OIC's and Acting OIC's for use when
they needed to go on air.  In those days the stations probably had no
more than seven or eight people so these people pulled airshifts under the
name "Don Edwards."