AFVN Personnel

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The Beat Goes On!

The names may become lost and forgotten after the years----

But "Good Morning, Vietnam!" and "The Beat goes on!" will live forever.

Bringing memories, good and bad, to those who served in Vietnam.

Alphabetical Index

(Click on a letter.)

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

​​​​Symbols and Related Links

TAPS= Deceased / Links to the TAPS - Those Departed pages.

TAPS (KIA) = Killed in Action / Links to the KIA Section of the TAPS - Those Departed page.

POW = Vietnam POW / LInks to the POWs - The Honored page.

KLIK = Radio KLIK  / Links to thr KLIK - 1st Inf. Div. page.

BLUE = Blue Eagle - Project Jenny / Links to the Project Jenny page. 

TET = With AFVN During TET '68 (Not linked)

BIO= Links to the MACOI Bibliograpies page.

STORIES = Links to the MACOI War Stories page.

HISTORY = Links to MACOI History page.

[For STORIES and MACOI, a number after the link indicates the number stories submitted by that person.]

Alphabetical Index by Year(s) with AFVN

(Click on a year or a combination of years.)

1962   1962-63   1963   1963-64   1964   1964-65   1965   1965-66   1966​   1966-67   1967   1967-68  
1968   1968-69   1969   1969-70   1970   1970-71   1971   1971-72  1972   1972-73   1973   ARS   Year Unknown